Profiles Details


Profile ID KL02535
Gender male
Religion/Cast Hindu, Ezhava
Age 30
Date of birth 7/6/1994
Time of Birth 9:05:AM
Star Krithiga
Education B.Tech.
Profession Assistant manager
Physical Attributes
Blood Group Unknown
Height 161 cm
Weight 63 kg
Complexion Fair
Body type Average
Food Non-Vegetarian
Smoking No
Drinking No
Family Details
Father's Occupation Sabu Kumar security staff Pothys
Mothers Occupation Sheela housewife 
No Of Brother's / Married 0 / 0
No Of Sister's / Married 1 / 1
Upper middle class
Phone 9349121599
Partner Preferences
Partner Qualification Any
Partner Profession Any
Partner Family Status Middle class
Partner from State/Districts Trivandrum
Is Intercaste Opted No
Other Preferences